sábado, 23 de junio de 2007

Carnal Diafragma - Carnal Diafragma / Pulmonary Fibrosis

Carnal Diafragma trax list:
1. Blekota (fekal v blekotovem mozku)
2. Choked up nose cavities by leaves and neckbrush wood
3. HC hovnocuc
4. Sufficiently fertilized appletree
5. In distress is good grow crusty dried crust of bread
6. Father’s steaks
7. Pourazove vysetreni zvedace horniho vicka
Pulmonary Fibrosis trax list:
1-The pus on pectoral rigid sector drag you in clotsBlastomy finished
2-Thought the inflammed exudation
3-Compres of pulmonary parenchyma
4-Deformation and calcification of valve
5-Facial mastication cadaveric sub tumours *
6-Disordered feaces junction
7-Neuroblastoma injected by viral oestogema
8-Facial formaldehyde anal furuncles
9-Hacked the human flesh
10-Deranged hypoctemy wristles viral
11-Effects on pathophysiologic haemophille
12-Acidical dissolution of sexual organ
13-Pancreatical pseudocysts
14-Organ maggots
15-Engorging flemonose disrupt
16-Fuck off nazi bastard (Malignant Tumour cover) *
17-Vomit breath (Regurgitate cover) *


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