sábado, 23 de junio de 2007

S.M.P. / Neoplasm Disseminator / Pulmonary Fibrosis split cdr

1. SMP - gore soak plasm
2. SMP - facial fermentation
3. SMP - Violent necropsy
4. SMP - rotting pussy
5. SMP - necrotic tisue vomit
6. SMP - wide fractures open
7. SMP - sex,gore and grind
8. SMP - tumour man
9. SMP - vulva grinder
10. SMP - purulent inflamation vomit
11. SMP - grotesque deformities (gut cover)
12. SMP - fayality! (rot cover)
13. ND - The nauseos neoplasm is disseminated....
14. ND - putrescent organic disgorgements
15. ND - bizarre cannibal necromania
16. ND - entrails infested by enterobious vermicularis
17. ND - los vivos son zombies carniceros
18. ND - throat slashed from ear to ear
19. ND - rotted tumours of buccal cavity
20. ND - the kill (napalm death cover)
21. ND - eaten alive (g.s.r. cover)
22. PF - bleeding peptic ulcer (regurgitate cover)
23. PF - fuck off nazi bastard (malignant tumour cover)
24. PF - blind to the truth (napalm death cover)
25. PF - cannabis brain (mindflair cover)
26. PF - Engorging flemonose disrupt
27. PF - pancreatical pseudocysts


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